

Ultral Villa For Sale In Flic en Flac

We are excited to share with you this brand new listing. A 2 Units Villa #ruiseaupalmyre in a well deserving location. We can not wait to speak with you; to talk about all that this inve


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Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.11.2023 09:38

We are excited to share with you this brand new listing. A 2 Units Villa #ruiseaupalmyre in a well deserving location. We can not wait to speak with you; to talk about all that this investment property has to offer. For more info kindly reach out to us for the next site visit…
* 3 beds 🛌
* 3 bath 🛁
* Surface: 220 M²
* Accessible to Locals Buyers Only
* Property Status: FOR SALE
* Property type: VILLA
* Property Reference: TH2000MR/NE-RP-FNF
* Property Location: FLIC EN FLAC
* Asking price: Rs: 13,200.000.00 / $ 295.890 / € 278.500 / £ 242.300 Exchange T & C Apply
Contact us for more details on +23059767271 or send us email on
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  • 295890.00 USD

    / once

    excluding all charges

  • 13200.00 Mauritian rupee

    / once

    excluding all charges

  • 278500.00 Euro

    / once

    excluding all charges

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