Häuser und Wohnungen



We are delighted to announce this beautiful Apartment property for sale in the heart of Tamarin. It is open to to foreign buyers and local investors. We can’t wait to speak with you about


Contact us for more details on +23059767271 or send us email on salezbuzz@tecslahomes.com / talk2us@tecslahomes.com

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31.01.2024 06:03

We are delighted to announce this beautiful Apartment property for sale in the heart of Tamarin. It is open to to foreign buyers and local investors. We can’t wait to speak with you about what this property has to offer.
* 3 beds 🛌
* 3.5 bath 🛁
* Surface 380 M²
* Accessible to Local / Foreign Buyers
* Property Status: FOR SALE
* Property type: PENTHOUSE
* Property Reference: TH24-Co-BH/S
* Property Location: TAMARIN
* Price: Rs: 40,000,000.00 / $ 892,480.00 / €‎ 823,640.00 / £ 702,520.00 / ZAR 16,788,320.00 [T & C Apply On Ex Rate]
Contact us for more details on +23059767271 or send us email on salezbuzz@tecslahomes.com / talk2us@tecslahomes.com
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  • 892480.00 USD

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    agency Fee is required for the sale of this property

  • 40000000.00 Mauritian rupee

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    agency Fee is required for the sale of this property

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