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We are delighted to introduce to you this Magnificent 3-bedroom Villa with breathtaking and charmed interior. With 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, this property provides ample space for your


Contact us for more details on +23059767271 or send us email on talk2us@tecslahomes.com

Date de publication: 06.11.2023 03:16

We are delighted to introduce to you this Magnificent 3-bedroom Villa with breathtaking and charmed interior. With 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, this property provides ample space for your family and guests. All the 3 rooms are equipped with air conditioning. The open kitchen flowing into the living area creates a welcoming space ideal for shared moments. In the terrace, you shall have your barbecue space in front of the pool. The rooftop offers a spectacular sea view. Located in the center of Calodyne, close to all amenities and few minutes walk amongst from the most beautiful beach in the north of the island. Fully secured with 8 cameras, audio alarm system with option to transfer call on your phone. For more info kindly reach out to us for the next site visit…
* 3 beds 🛌
* 2 bath 🛁
* Surface: 200 M²
* Accessible to Foreign / Local Rentals
* Property Status: FOR RENT
* Property type: PRIVATE VILLA
* Property Reference: TH2000NJ/NE-CAL
* Property Location: CALODYNE
* Price: Rs: 55,000.00 / $ 1,242.00 / €‎ 1, 177.00 / £ 1,025.00 / ZAR. 23.532.00 {Exchange T&C Apply}
Contact us for more details on +23059767271 or send us email on talk2us@tecslahomes.com
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Des prix:

  • 1242.00 USD

    / per month

  • 55000.00 Mauritian rupee

    / per month

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Tecsla Home Agency
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